President's Message

A message from the president of the Washington County DSA.

Dear residents, visitors, and community members,

Welcome to the web based resource of the Washington County Deputy Sheriff's Association. The WCDSA represents the interests of the 50 deputy sheriffs and 7 detectives of the Washington County Sheriff's Department (West Bend, Wisconsin) in the areas of wages, benefits, and working conditions.

The Washington County Deputy Sheriff's Association Inc also maintains a charity fund that provides financial support to various community groups and organizations that share in our common goal of reducing youth violence and a betterment of the communities in which we live and serve.

Past recipients include the Washington County DARE Program (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Washington County, Friends of Abused Families, Shop With a Cop, Washington County Dive Team, and Police Unity Tour.

The WCDSA has created a scholarship fund to assist local high school graduates who wish to embark in the studies necessary to begin a career in a law enforcement related field.


Andrew Graper

Andrew Graper

Washington County DSA President